How firms like SPS can go green without sacrificing client services
Just how eco-friendly is your home or business? It’s something we ask ourselves all the time. And we are constantly seeking out new ways to conserve resources wherever possible. So here are some of the things we have figured out and implemented.
From a firm perspective, we have worked diligently to make SPS a paperless environment. There are times when this is difficult, for example, the newsletter you are reading is obviously printed on paper (though you can find SPSQ in PDF format online at But generally speaking, we have succeeded in turning one of the most paper-intensive industries into an electronic exchange of information and ideas.
We also recycle batteries at our office and encourage telecommuting where possible. You may remember an article in an earlier SPSQ about our commitment to utilizing advanced technologies where appropriate to improve efficiencies. The result has been more time spent working with clients and less time on the road.
In addition to some of the efforts mentioned above, there are several other things we do to be more ecofriendly. We recycle bottles and cans in our office kitchen. We also do our research electronically whenever possible and do not subscribe to paper-wasting publications that are redundant. Employees are encouraged to work from home when practical by logging remotely onto the firm’s ultra secure network. Also, several employees walk to work much of the time.
We know that a lot of you are also making great strides in being as ecologically sensitive as possible. We believe it’s important to share ideas and best practices so we can all help the cause. So, please, let us know what you’re doing so we can consider implementing it into our firm’s commitment to creating a more ecofriendly environment.
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