If you have 50 employees or less, here’s what’s coming There’s an oft-quoted (though nonexistent) Chinese curse that says, “May you live in interesting times.” Well, welcome to “interesting times” in the form of changes to our healthcare system. Though large employers were generally elated when the … [Read more...]
Newsflash: Summary of New Tax Law
Dear Clients and Friends, As you may have heard, the President signed and enacted the American Taxpayer Relief Act into law to avoid the “Fiscal Cliff.” The major federal tax provisions are as follows: In addition to the various provisions discussed above, some new taxes took effect … [Read more...]
Federal and California tax matters update
A follow-up to the recent letter we sent Sometimes letters can fall through the cracks. We hope that anything arriving at your house or office with a Sobul, Primes & Schenkel logo on it will be treated with reverence. But we’re realists and know that you may not always read what we send you. A … [Read more...]
Newsflash – Federal and California Tax Matters Update
August 18, 2010 Dear Clients and Friends: FEDERAL AND CALIFORNIA TAX MATTERS UPDATE Significant tax legislation has been passed so far this year, and it is likely that even more changes are upcoming. We want to make sure you are aware of your opportunities and obligations with respect to some of … [Read more...]